Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Blog!

Hey guys,

There's a new blog for BlazBlue Singapore and future updates will be found there.

So head on over to the new blog at


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Upcoming BB:CS Tourney

Arcadia (Iluma) has contacted us and they are seeking to do a Blazblue tournament. They would like to check on a response from the players before they can decide on the rest of the details.
What we do know is that the top 8 will receive prizes. Details like a singles/team tournament would depend on the response. So please drop us a note and let the other players know.
PM me at Round1 forums or simply drop me an email at akane[at]round1[dot]sg


Sunday, May 30, 2010

BlazBlue Continuum Shift locations

I'm sure that most of us knows that there's one BlazBlue Continuum Shift available at Arcadia in Iluma.
But now there's one more: Zone X in Scape.
And it's on a Vewlix cabinet, no less.

It's $1 a game for non VIP members, and 80 cents for VIP members.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I bring with me 2 news.

BlazBlue Continuum Shift mook will be released on Feb 17th.

And also, console release will be on July.
